Who We Are

Boston DSA is a local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America. We are an activist organization — not a political party — that works against oppression in its many forms. We see these multiple oppressions — economic inequality, patriarchy, white supremacy, and others — as interlinked, intersecting and inseparable. DSA’s members are building mass movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in communities and politics in the Greater Boston Area.

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Hear From Us

Posts from the Boston DSA Political Education Working Group (PEWG).

“Inbuilt”: Zionism, Gaza, and Genocide

But transfer was inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism – because it soughtto transform a land which was ‘Arab’ into a ‘Jewish’ state and a Jewishstate could not have arisen without...

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Same old fascists can’t co-opt our pro-Palestine movement

Don’t be fooled: failed politicians and Proud Boys tried to spread antisemitic bile at Harvard. DSA anti-fascists won’t let them On November 11, 2023, several members of Boston DSA, a...

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